Synonym discussion of standard. Standard definition is a conspicuous object such as a banner formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a rallying point especially in battle or to serve as an emblem. The dimension quantity or capacity determined by measuring. The act of measuring or the process of being measured. Conversion between metric and us. A standards organization standards body standards developing organization sdo or standards setting organization sso is an organization whose primary activities are developing coordinating promulgating revising amending reissuing interpreting or otherwise producing technical standards that are intended to address the needs of a group of affected adopters.
Mens standard sizes were probably developed first during the american revolutionary war and they were in regular use by the american army during the war of 1812 for ready made uniforms felsenthal 2012these were based on the chest measurement with other measurements being assumed to be either proportional the circumference of the neck waist hips and thighs or easily altered. A system of measuring. Iso 85591998 garment construction and anthropometric surveybody dimensions standard specifies anthropometric measurement points is a valid reference source for body measurement. For a patternmaker knowing or defining the body measurement points versus finished garment measurement points is vital data input. The international organization for standardization 1998. Customary to metric when you know multiply by to find.
Definition overview 446. Enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures. How to use standard in a sentence. Standard definition something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison. Select compute bmi and your bmi will appear below. Standard units of measurement are units of measurement that are typically used within each measurement system such as inches feet ounces pounds kilograms or cups.
Body mass index bmi is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Calculate your body mass index. The measurements of a room. Customary units from us.